"...And who am I?
That's one secret I'll never tell.
You know you love me.
Xoxo... Gossip Girl"
That line gave me the chills.
Yes, this series has been gone for almost a year, but I'm still crying due to the fact that it ended.

With this show I fell in love with fashion, Chace Crawford, and most importantly, New York city. I think that New York is one of the best cities in the world, I could write a lot about how much I love it, but I think that that would be too much writing for this blog.
Why do I love this show?
Why not? It has everything.
I could just stay here for days writing about the fashion and the shots from the city are just how beautiful are the sights of the city.

This show has also had a huge influence in my wardrobe, aside from Blair's and Serena's wardrobe, I really liked how
Vanessa dressed sometimes.
Vanessa dressed sometimes.
Who wouldn't like to go to their parties, so high class and full of important people (AND A LOT OF DRAMA)

And I guess that's it, I will leave you with the simple words of gossip girl...
You know you love me,
That was just plain weird,
Bye ❤️
Bye ❤️
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