Monday, October 28, 2013

Music Mondays

Starting this week I will post every Monday, hopefully, 5 songs that I have been listening to non-stop this week.

I wanted to do these because I love when people share what they are currently listening to and I like to listen to discover new music when people share their favorites.

So, here are my top 5 at the moment:
*The songs will not be in any order, they will just be written as I remember the songs.

- Worlds Apart / The Mostar Diving Club: kind of late since it was released, I think 3 years ago, but i just watched Waiting For Forever, and i just adored how sweet this song is.

- Tennis Court / Lorde: I downloaded her album after listening to royals, and I have been obsessed with this song, I just love the sound of it

- Superhero / Luke Conard & Landon Austin: Found out about this song because i was watching one of Tanya Burr's video and the song played in the background, going to link the video here

- Didn't See It Coming / Parachute: I have deeply explained how much I adore this song in one of my last blogs, and I am really obsessed with the Overnight album. I also love the story behind this song, Will Anderson explained it in one of their videos

- Story Of My Life / One Direction: Yes, I am a girl, I am allowed to listen to music like this. So this song just came out and I am IN LOVE. I like the new sound, it's, different. Just three more words, LOVE LOVE LOVE

So, this are the songs that I have recently been listening to. If you like it cool, if you didn't, then I will try to improve my musical taste, or not.

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